I mange to come to my friend's b-day party last night but I became a liability since I was sick. I didn't enjoy the party at all. I arrive around 7pm and manage to have a few bite before I crash in her bed and stay there till this morning. So basically I just went to her house to sleep. When I woke up this morning and check my phone I have a message from Sue saying that she can't work for me. So i called my chef and told her about it. Things got out of hand that I just find myself waiting for Aurelia to go to work.. Yes people I was goin to work even though I have a freaking fever. (you gotta do what you gotta do aight?) So I was waiting at the 5th st. for Aurelia to show up when I receive a phone call from Sue saying that she's on her way and she's gonna work for me. So basically I went to downtown for nothing and my whole day was ruined.
On the lighter side... While all these things was goin on I receive another call this time it was my housemate Wren.. He was checking on me If i was ok since I forgot to tell him that I won't sleeping in the apartment last night. Just shows that he cares for me. Thanks Wren!!!
Also my chef decided to give me Saturday off too to give me enough time to rest. Just when I think he's an a@)($*@le, he rise!
So for tonight and tomorrow it's goin to be soups and Will and Grace marathon.
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