OK.. I found this amazing tote/messenger bag at ZARA today. I was actually on my way to the gym when I decided to stop by at their store. It's the same one as Paolo Savi (awesome blogger) has which I believe he got from Dubai or Sweden (can't remeber). It's retailed for $59.00. not bad for an awesome bag. I was so gonna buy it but I got pissed with the cashier at the register. they were taking forever to finished and being so insensitive. I don't know what got into me that i decided to leave the bag and get the hell outta store. So now I'm hoping that it's still there tommorow or on wednesday when I go back... pinchi pendejo!
Actually I'm really not suppose to buy anything since I'm saving for a new laptop and all but I just can't help myself! I need that bag! I gotta have that bag!!! argh! (i'm having a whitney houston moment here)

I hope Paolo won't mind that I used his pic since I can't find one.
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